About Us

Lone Rock Concepts all started when we recognized there was an easier way to get water at camp. Dedicated to finding solutions for everyone who wants a more convenient way to dispense water while camping. We created our Water Dispenser Adapter Kits with patent pending technology. It's an easy and affordable way to get your precious H2O at camp while limiting the amount that gets wasted.
We live the Overland Lifestyle. We strive to get out in mother nature as much as possible. Which means we know what it's like to be on the trail, and are always seeking new and innovative solutions to make your life easier. Whether you are a weekend warrior, live out of your rig full time, or just need an easier way to dispense water. From the desert to the mountains Lone Rock Concepts has got you covered.
Adventure is an invitation to discover and grow, where the only limits are the boundaries of your imagination. - Unknown